Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Are You Living in Your Spirit?

Many of my clients ask me to read for them and tell them why things
are not flowing smoothly in their lives.

It is my job to TUNE IN and SEE where things need to be 'ironed out'.

In most cases it is due to we humans trying to GO AGAINST THE GRAIN.
We try to squeeze that square peg in a round hole every time.

Then I give them the words from their angels on how to do things
differently. If they listen and adhere to the lessons, life becomes
smooth and free flowing again.

Now they are living in their spirit again. Once we get out of our own
way, the path is clear for progress, prosperity, growth, bliss.

Realize that everything can not be forced or put off for to long. If
you do not go with the flow it will get clogged.

In order to keep balance and prosperity you must be wiling to not
hold onto things and clear the path for others. Therefore staying in

LIVING IN OUR SPIRIT (your spirit is already in you and you are not
hearing it) means you allow the stress, worry, anxiety to drift away
and have faith in you and your higher being that things will be made


Be well today all.

Feel blessed and count your blessings.

If you can't...email me. I am always tere to asist you find your bliss.


Monday, April 27, 2009

It's hard but we all must learn to let go

When we choose happiness, in that letting go of frustration, we only better ourselves.

I release my negativity AT THE POND and totally let it go and remember who I am....A CHILD OF GOD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPQ_niyGcig&feature=channel_page

No, I am far from perfect but I do release as soon as a thing is upsetting to me. There fore my time is better spent on happiness. HAPPINESS IS DECIDED AHEAD OF TIME YA KNOW? :-)

In so doing, I tell me, what is more important Tash - you giving that situation more attention or the good you can be doing for a person? I think I can VENT and let go so I can go on with my own spiritual progress.

When you make room for prosperity....it will grow there.

Be well and love YOU !!!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

You get what you give - Golden Rule

Today I had the pleasure of looking for GOOGLE AD SENSE in this fine blog site, only to find just how not nice folks truly are.

There were so many that were just plan RUDE to us new ones that didn't know that it can not be added. Though I have seen it on a couple of blogs, thus I ASSumed it was possible.

So let's all remind our ADULT selves, it is ok to find rude, nasty, childish folks no matter where we are, so just remember how nice you were to me today...several of you. I truly appreciate you all for just answering me. It's refreshing to just BE HEARD AND ANSWERED without being mean or rude. I value you and look forward to learning more form you kind ones.

I know I only get what I give so I'll just pray for the rude ones and hope that when they truly desperately seek a thing....they don't get treated the same rude way the treated us new ones.

Bless you all.

I do pray if you have children ....don't teach them that this is ok to do.

Let's all learn together, gratefully and with heart.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did you love you today?

I want you to think only of you today.

What is it you FEEL like doing? Can you make plans for THAT Right now?
Yes right now, I want you to just think of one thing you haven’t done just for you in a very long time.


Because the day you will have time you will ask yourself, what cna I do today? Now you have an answer and you can pamper you and just you in that time.

You work hard at being a better you. No one deserves a break more than you.

So, go now and plan the one thing you can do only for yourself.

If you don’t love you…who will?

The cup is always full

Tasha Harris