Saturday, August 8, 2009

Are you that single grain of sand…..



that transforms you into a beautiful glorious pearl?


What are you made of?  Do you know?


I know , sometimes it seems as if you have to jump thru a ton of hoops in order to get anywhere in life or to attain any sort of simple goal.

No one ever said life is or would be easy. You know that by now.

I say it can be re-made into being easier.  BE THE GRAIN OF UGLY SAND, that turns into that supple, priceless, glorious pearl.

With the simple change of thought anything is possible.

In my Intuitive Life coach plan I assist my client in just twenty one days to turn things around. It is possible if you try.

Imagine just putting your mind to getting rid of the negative thoughts (first) and rewarding yourself (second) anything is possible if you believe in you.  How do you think the billionaire philanthropists did it?
They had nothing but faith, goals, endurance.

Anything worth desiring is worth working through in life, don’t let you down by thinking any negative thoughts or do any negative actions; that gets you ‘no where’  not  ‘now here’. Right now you may feel you are no where, but with just the idea of achieving a goal you will be  NOW HERE. !!!

Decide to be NOW HERE and not  NO WHERE.!!!


Choice is easy….listen to your spirit…what’s it saying to ya?


JUST   DO  IT!!!!! 




I love you …do you?

Spiritual Empowerment Session

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