Sunday, July 5, 2009

MOVING onward and upward


idea First comes he idea to  do a thing or have a thing.





boxes We then make preparations.




image2 Then we need some direction.



images Then we must reflect again on the choices we have made.

Find the best way to FOLLOW THROUGH.


That is what life is really all about right… THE  CHOICE TO  do this or that  is the crucial factor in all things human or in some cases spiritual.


I was fed up with my slumlord, bad neighbors, negative thoughts and the home I loved slowly becoming a dumping grounds  for those that didn't care as much as I did.

So many around me saying AH  THE ECONOMY IS THIS OR THAT.  That has nothing to do with me and what I DESIRE IN LIFE. I MAKE MY OWN HAPPINESS OR UNHAPPINESS. 

I had to make a choice. Do I live like them in fear and lack and nothingness? To afraid to have faith that God will bring me what I desire?  I think not.  I know if I so much as think a thought I know it is possible to achieve it. Therefore I must move on it … NOW!!!

So just like anything else in life we all much  DECIDE TO DECIDE and then MOOOOVE on it … right now.

Then I made a list of EXACTLY what I desired and a TIME LIMIT….yes you must put a time on it. 

If you choose to stay stuck in the mire you will be UN-MOVED. You will be unhappy (more than likely) and you will not have prosperity or success.

If we choose to stay in the same place and live in fear or doubt how can you progress in any area of your life. They all go together. One part of your life affects all the others…it is like a string of pearls, when one breaks they all fall…right? Yes some have the little stoppers in between but I feel that is the person who has planned and prepared for success that has place their bead separators in the right places to avoid failure.

Let’s choose today to only move FORWARD and to be better, LET GO OF ALL FEARS AND DOUBTS.  If you can say  I WANT______, THEN YOU CAN MAKE IT COME TRUE. 

ONLY YOU HAVE THAT POWER…USE IT WONT YOU? Moved on by whatever force you believe in guides and directs you ONCE YOU have made the choice to move or grow or do anyone thing.

CHOICE – it’s really easy.  Just decide to decide and the path will be laid out and you must either walk or stand in FEAR and never grow or have success.

If you believe in that higher power then call on it and then HAVE FAITH that it will help you thru. If you do not have a thing bigger than you…trust in your gut and then MOVE on it.

In order to live and grow we all must move.  CHANGE is thee only constant thing in life.


If you choose not to be prosperous….move out of my way.

If you need assistance in finding your direction…just write me.

I just move on the 3rd of July to the home of my dreams and it only took one small ad and one weeks time. I move in 3 weeks later with a great landlord, peaceful neighbors, clean home and peace of mind.


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